In 1953, Franco Varini founded O.M.A.A (Italian acronym for Mechanical Workshop for Agricultural Applications): PIUSI is born. Since then, stricly related to its name - PIUSI: MANY-USES (più-usi) - the Company has developed its core business of pump manufacturing applying its know-how and engineering competence to different fluids; starting from fuels up to lubricants and - more recently - DEF/AdBlue?. In the Eighties, a diversification was introduced: besides pumps, PIUSI started the production of some related products such as flow meters and nozzles. The global player was starting to enhance its leadership. In the Ninties many iconic PIUSI products were engineered: the CUBE dispenser, the K500 preset nozzle meter, EASY OIL nozzle for oil and the grease nozzle meter GREASTER. The NEW MILLENNIUM is the era of DEF/AdBlue? and of the Fleet Managemet Systems SSM 2.0, SSM2018 and the Oil Monitoring System MCO 2.0.
1953年,弗朗哥·瓦里尼创立了O.M.A.A(意大利农业应用机械车间的缩写):皮乌西出生。从那时起,该公司就开始发展其核心业务:泵制造,将其专有技术和工程能力应用于不同的流体;从燃料到润滑剂,以及 近的DEF/AdBlue。20世纪80年代,PIUSI开始了多元化经营,除了生产泵外,还开始生产流量计、喷嘴等相关产品。这家 性的公司开始增强其领导能力。在上世纪90年代,许多标志性的PIUSI产品被设计出来:立方体分配器、K500预置喷嘴表、易油喷嘴和油脂喷嘴表润滑器。新千年是DEF/AdBlue?和车队管理系统SSM 2.0、SSM2018和机油监测系统MCO 2.0的时代。
We supply the world's leading markets with top-quality, professional and easy to use products and complete solutions for transferring, refilling and measuring lubricants, fuels and liquids such as gasoline, diesel, Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF), AdBlue?, oil, water and grease. PIUSI products have many different uses such as monitoring and transferring fuel at trucking companies, refueling of agricultural vehicles, transferring fuels in construction and mining for heavy duty vehicles.
我们为 市场提供优质、专业、易用的产品和完整的解决方案,用于输送、重新加注和测量润滑油、燃料和液体,如汽油、柴油、柴油废气油(DEF)、AdBlue?、机油、水和润滑脂。PIUSI产品有许多不同的用途,如在卡车运输公司监测和转移燃料,为农用车辆加油,在建筑和重型车辆采矿中转移燃料。
润和国际贸易(上海)有限公司是 家新兴的进出口贸易公司,集设计,成产,销售为 体的综合型公司。
依托于上海的贸易便利性,公司享有着价格的天然优势,同时公司拥有自主进出口权,可以便捷的为国内客户提供各种优质的产品。公司起源于香港,有着多年的行业从业经验,公司拥有 支业务精通,操作能力强的骨干队伍。在为客人提供多种产品代购方案的同时,还可以为海外客户开拓中国市场提供专业化、个性化、全天候、全方位的服务。
公司 直坚持“以人为本”的理念,尊重与我们有联系的各方人员,包括顾客,员工,合作伙伴及社会团体;以诚信作为公司发展的宗旨,“诚”为本,“信”为用;追求卓越,不断改善、创新,以实现公司与客户的双赢。
Rey Young
Sales Manager
R&H International Trade (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Room 1118, Building 1,No.5018 Hutai Road, Shanghai City. China