RDP is a designer and manufacturer and distributor of LVDT displacement transducers, amplifiers, load cells and pressure sensors for use in a wide range of applications. We are privately owned by the two directors who started the company in 1966. Our extensive range LVDT displacement sensors and amplifiers are manufactured by us at our UK head office and factory. RDP was one of the first manufacturers of LVDT displacement transducers and the first to build the LVDT signal conditioning amplifier into the sensor.
RDP是 个设计师,制造商和经销商的LVDT位移传感器,放大器,称重传感器和压力传感器在广泛的应用。我们是1966年创立公司的两位董事的私有企业。我们的大范围LVDT位移传感器和放大器是由我们在英国总部和工厂制造的。RDP是早的LVDT位移传感器制造商之 ,也是 个在传感器中安装LVDT信号调节放大器的制造商
A transducer (which is also commonly known as a sensor) is a device which converts a physical parameter into an electrical signal. There are many different types of sensor which measure many different physical parameters but our range concentrates on displacement or position, load and pressure.
A displacement transducer is a device which converts a length, movement or position into an electrical or digital signal. There are many different types but because of the fact that there is no physical contact in the sensing element ours are one of the most reliable types available.
传感器位移是将长度、移动或位置转换成电信号或数字信号的装置。有许多不同的类型,但由于传感元件中没有物理接触,我们是可靠的类型之 。
LVDT stands for Linear Variable Differential Transformer. The moving part of the LVDT is connected to a core rod. Inside the body of the LVDT there is a primary coil (in the centre) and two secondary coils (at either end); the position of the core varies the induction into the two secondary coils. External or internal electronics then converts this signal into a dc output proportional to position of the core. Because the core does not touch the coils there is no contact so the output has infinite resolution.
LVDT代表线性变量差动变压器。LVDT的移动部分连接到核心根。在LVDT的内部有 个初 线圈(在中心)和两个次 线圈(在两端);磁芯的位置改变了两个次 线圈的感应。然后,外部或内部电子设备将该信号转换成与磁芯位置成比例的直流输出。因为磁芯不接触线圈,所以没有接触,所以输出具有无限分辨率。
英国 RDP 位移传感器 LVDT 磁致伸缩型 力传感器 称重传感器 压力传感器 扭矩传感器 信号调节器 英国RDP集团凭借多年的传感器经验,研发生产出全系列位移传感器,力传感器,称重传感器,压力传感器,扭矩传感器及相关电子驱动设备。其生产的LVDT位移传感器、力传感器等凭借其优异的性能,广泛应用于汽车、铁路、钢铁、航天等行业。深圳市坤博自动化设备有限公司作为其国内的合作伙伴,凭借多年的应用经验,为您提供完善的服务。 位移传感器 LVDT: 常用系列: RDP ACT系列 位移传感器/ACT LVDT Displacement Transducer RDP D5&D6系列 位移传感器/D5 & D6 LVDT Displacement Transducer RDP DCTH系列 位移传感器/DCTH Series DC to DC LVDT Displacement Transducer RDP GT系列 位移传感器/GT Precision LVDT Gauging Transducer RDP LDC系列 位移传感器/LDC Series DC to DC LVDT Displacement Transducer
润和国际贸易(上海)有限公司是 家新兴的进出口贸易公司,集设计,成产,销售为 体的综合型公司。
依托于上海的贸易便利性,公司享有着价格的天然优势,同时公司拥有自主进出口权,可以便捷的为国内客户提供各种优质的产品。公司起源于香港,有着多年的行业从业经验,公司拥有 支业务精通,操作能力强的骨干队伍。在为客人提供多种产品代购方案的同时,还可以为海外客户开拓中国市场提供专业化、个性化、全天候、全方位的服务。
公司 直坚持“以人为本”的理念,尊重与我们有联系的各方人员,包括顾客,员工,合作伙伴及社会团体;以诚信作为公司发展的宗旨,“诚”为本,“信”为用;追求卓越,不断改善、创新,以实现公司与客户的双赢。
Rey Young
Sales Manager
R&H International Trade (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Room 1118, Building 1,No.5018 Hutai Road, Shanghai City. China