wilkerson(威尔克森)生产和销售全系列,压缩空气处理元件及控制产品。其中包括过滤器,稳压器和润滑剂,空气干燥器,分离器,排水渠和 其他组件在空气制备。Wilkerson所提供的优质产品满足各种各样的工业,加工行业,致力于消费者和健康保健应用。
Together we can power your application with clean, dry air
Fast cycle times, high product quality, and low downtime all require a clean, dry pneumatic system to function properly. Wilkerson has what it takes to make sure pneumatic systems perform at their best. The updated and advaced 08, 18 and 28 Series FRL products are lighter, compact, more efficient and offer reverse compatibility with series legacy products.
Click any of the 08, 18 and 28 Series FRL products below for more detailed information and download the updated catalog for your reference.
周期快、产品质量高、停机时间短,所有这些都需要清洁、干燥的气动系统才能正常工作。威尔克森有能力确保气动系统发挥性能。升 版和升 版的08、18和28系列FRL产品轻、紧凑、高效,并提供与传统系列产品的反向兼容性