新型8491系列可重置闪回式避雷器在每个单元中提供四(4)个安全装置。安全功能包括防止闪回,使用各种氧气或空气与可燃气体(包括氢气,乙炔,甲烷和LPG气体)混合。该设计包括 个内置的止回阀(止回阀),用于停止反向流动,以及 个热关闭装置,可在软管或管道火灾时阻止气体流动。易于重新设定的压力控制可在反向流动或回火时停止气流,从而产生10 psig的背压。此功能可提醒用户发生了大于10 psig的反向流量或闪回。通过向上拉压力控制环(如右图所示)可轻松重新设置这些装置,无需拆卸气体管路或特殊工具。 8491系列高流量使其适用于广泛的应用(参见流程表)。单位为U / L,符合ISO 5175,EN 730,BS 6158和AS 4603标准。
The new 8491 Series re-settable flashback arrestors offer four(4) safety devices in each unit. Safety features include protection against flashbacks with a wide range of mixtures of oxygen or air with flammable gases including hydrogen, acetylene, methane, and LPG gases. The design includes a built-in non-return (check) valve to stop reverse flow and a thermal shut off which stops gas flow in the event a of hose or pipe line fire. An easily re-settable pressure control stops gas flow in the event of reverse flow or a flashback that creates 10 psig back pressure. This feature alerts the user that a reverse flow or a flashback of greater than 10 psig has occurred. These units are easily re-set by pulling up on the pressure control ring (shown at right), no disassembly of the gas line or special tools are needed. The 8491 Series high flow capacity makes them suitable for a broad range of applications(see flow table). Units are U/L listed and meet ISO 5175, EN 730, BS 6158, and AS 4603 standards.
SGD阻火器8491系列 示例8491-OR
爱泽工业(IZE INDUSTRIES)特价经销、常用备件SGD阻火器型号:
爱泽工业成立于2010年,定位于向 进制造工业提供高端制造技术和设备。代理经营 进的电气自动化、机械与传动、流体控制、仪器仪表、工具等产品。作为电气,液压以及气动解决方案的合作伙伴,我们利用我们的 协作团队,为客户提供 进解决方案,市场知识以及相关增值服务来帮助优化客户的工作效率,提高可靠性和安全性,致力于成为工业产品和解决方案的优质渠道。
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